martes, 25 de junio de 2013

A cartoon about communication!

Hy everyone!!

I wanted to share with you this picture because I think is the reality of nowadays!!!

Internet takes away a lot of our time!! may be we prefer to be more time in social networks than spending time with family!  but this fact affects the communication between families!

Spend time with your family!!

Greetings to all of you!

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Joke about solution of global warming!

Hi bloggers!!
I found this picture and I want to share with you!! It's funny and unbelievable that people really  think things like this about a serious problem!!

Open Question Show me another * Simple global warming solution: pour water on the sun? Why don't we just shoot a water missle at the sun to cool it down a bit’ 1 mnute ago - 4 «Jays ten to answer. P Report Abuse Answer Question,q&a,hubert farnsworth,sun,water,global warming

Stop what are you doing and start shooting water missiles to the sun! ha ha ha ha just kidding!

Greetings to all of you!

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

A Failure to Communicate!

Hi bloggers!

How are you doing?

I wanted to share this video with you because  I think comunication is important!! We  have to remember that comunication is not only words, you have to know how to express yourself with no words, using body language because you don't know other people circumstances!!

Greetings to all of you!

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013


Over many centuries, human societies across the globe have established progressively closer contacts. Recently, the pace of global integration has dramatically increased. Unprecedented changes in communications, transportation, and computer technology have given the process new impetus and made the world more interdependent than ever. Multinational corporations manufacture products in many countries and sell to consumers around the world. Money, technology and raw materials move ever more swiftly across national borders. Along with products and finances, ideas and cultures circulate more freely. As a result, laws, economies, and social movements are forming at the international level.
This site considers not only the Globalization of the Economy but also the Globalization of Politics, of Culture and of Law. The globalized world sweeps away regulation and undermines local and national politics, just as the consolidation of the nation state swept away local economies, dialects, cultures and political forms. Globalization creates new markets and wealth, even as it causes widespread suffering, disorder, and unrest. It is both a source of repression and a catalyst for global movements of social justice and emancipation.  The great financial crisis of 2008-09 has revealed the dangers of an unstable, deregulated, global economy but it has also given rise to important global initiatives for change.

The term globalization encompasses a range of social, political, and economic changes. Within the section Defining Globalization, we provide an introduction to the key debates. The materials ask what is new, what drives the process, how it changes politics, and how it affects global institutions like the UN.
Globalization expands and accelerates the exchange of ideas and commodities over vast distances. It is common to discuss the phenomenon in highly generalized terms, but globalization's impacts are often best understood at the local level. Cases of Globalization explore the various manifestations of interconnectedness in the world, noting how globalization affects real people and places.
Tables and Charts on Globalization provide data on the growing global interconnectedness and draw a statistical and graphic picture of Globalization.
Globalization often appears to be a force of nature, a phenomenon without bounds or alternatives. But peoples’ movements have shown that it is neither unalterable nor inevitable. Citizens all over the world—ordinary people from the global North and South—can work together to shape alternate futures, to build a globalization of cooperation, solidarity and respect for our common planetary environment.

Greetings to all of you!

martes, 18 de junio de 2013

Practicing a new language!

Hello bloggers!

  I wanted to share this photo. This is something that happens frequently when speaking a language that is different from ours.

When we are practicing a new language, try to do better, but when we have to talk to someone in that language sometimes get nervous and obviously wrong to say a few words expressing or not as you wish. So do not be afraid and speak. Remember that you learn from mistakes!

I chose this picture because I'm from México and sometimes it happens to me when I speak english

lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

A guide to effective communcation!

Hello to all bloggers around the world!!

I hope you had a good monday! if not just smile tomorrow it's a new day!! 

Today I want to share with you a funny video that I found, may be you will laugh,  but more than that, I hope you can reflect on the message that gives! because communication it's really important in our lives, but that's not the most important thing, you need to  comunicate with others in  the right time and in the right place. If you don't do that  you may not have success in your relationships and life!

Enjoy the video!

Think about it!

Greetings to all of you!

viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

Body language: head position

Hello bloggers!

I hope you had a great week!!
Now it's time to talk about something related to language... I chose body language! because it's interesting and is the most expressive way to communicate with others. Also in my opinion it's the most sincere way of communication.

Now we will focus on head position:

A) Lowered heads indicate a reason to hide something. Take note if someone lowers their head. If it is when he is complimented, he may be shy, ashamed, timid, keeping distance from the other person, in disbelief, or thinking to himself or herself. If it is after an explanation, then he may be unsure if what he said was correct, or could be reflecting. It should be noted that some cultures see this as a sign of respect.

B)Cocked heads mean that they are confused or challenging you, depending on their eye, eyebrow, and mouth gestures. Think of how a dog slightly cocks its head when you make a funny noise.

C) Overly tilted heads are either a potential sign of sympathy, or if a person smiles while tilting their head, they are being playful and maybe even flirting.

 What's your opinion about this? I think that is true... I was thinking in my little brother, if he did something bad he always had their head down!

Now start to pay attention to head position of people!

¡Have a nice weekend!